“KNOW before you OWN”
What is the fee for the Home Inspection?
Home Inspections usually range between $349 and $600, though it will depend on the market, the size of the property, and the actual inspector. Generally, you will pay the inspection fee at the time of scheduling or the day of the inspection, so you’ll want to know in advance how much and what forms of payment are accepted.
Core Home Inspections cautions you against going with an inspector who quotes you a very low price. Spending on a good certified home inspector will more than pay for itself in the long run.
How long have you been doing this?
What do you Check during the Inspection?
- Structure & Foundation
- Roof General Exterior & Grounds (Siding, Drainage etc.)
- Electrical System HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) & Insulation Plumbing
- General Interior (Windows, Doors etc.)
- Permanently Installed Kitchen Appliances
Should I attend my home inspection?
What is the difference between a home inspection, a code inspection and an appraisal?
- A home inspection: Is a visual, non-invasive assessment of a property. It is concerned with the home’s safety, operation and condition as it appears on the day of the inspection. Home inspectors do not concern themselves with building code as homes do not need to retroactively comply with current building codes. Additionally, a home inspector will not recommend whether you should purchase a specific home.
- A code inspection: Verifies local building code compliance. Code inspections verify that recent construction or remodeling was completed to the current local code standards.
- A home appraisal: Determines the value of a home and property. This is typically performed by an appraiser.
Do home inspectors need to be licensed?
Why should I have a home inspection?
The purchase of a home is probably the single largest investment you will ever make. As a home buyer it’s only natural to be excited when you find your dream home. It is for this very reason that a professional home inspection is crucial. No home is perfect, and as the buyer it is very difficult to remove your emotions regarding the home to assess the home as a neutral observer.
A licensed 3rd party with your interests in mind -who is not emotionally attached to the home- is exactly what is needed. Additionally, an experienced inspector will be able to identify a variety of issues that even skilled contractors might miss. Inspecting and contracting are very different fields.
Why is it beneficial for me to have a home inspection?
When will I receive my home inspection report?
What is a commercial inspection?
Just as a land developer may hire a general contractor to oversee a variety of subcontractors who actually perform the construction work, a commercial investor often hires an inspector whose responsibilities typically involve overseeing a variety of subcontractors. These subcontractors provide specialty inspection reports on building systems, such as HVAC, electrical, roofing, structure, and whatever else is called for in the Client/Inspector Contract. Although the Standards are available and extremely useful, the goal of a commercial inspection is to provide the client with the information they need to enter into transaction negotiations with as much power in their possession as possible. In a negotiation, knowledge and documentation are power. Gathering this information is the process of due diligence and where commercial inspectors play a key role. The due diligence provided by commercial inspectors will vary, sometimes substantially, with the nature of the transaction. Variables may include building age, type, use and location. Although the client must make the final decision on what services will be supplied, the expertise of the inspector in providing advice and insight may be crucial. Background for providing this advice may require a preliminary inspection by the inspector, the inspector’s subcontractors and, sometimes, the building’s maintenance personnel.
Termite FAQ
What is the most common type of Termite in Arizona?
If my neighbor's house has Termites, will I get them?
How do Subterranean Termite Survive?
Subterranean termites build distinctive tunnels, often referred to as “mud tubes,” to reach food sources and protect themselves from open air. They use their scissor-like jaws to eat wood 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Like other termite species, subterranean termites also feed on products containing cellulose. Subterranean termites swarm in the spring when groups of reproductive termites go off to start new colonies.
Subterranean termites live in underground colonies with as many as two million members. They are also found in moist secluded areas above ground.
Subterranean termites are by far the most destructive termite species. The hard, saw-toothed jaws of termites work like shears and can bite off extremely small fragments of wood, one piece at a time. Over time, they can collapse a building entirely, meaning possible financial ruin for a homeowner. If you suspect a termite infestation, contact a pest professional about subterranean termite treatment.
What is the lifespan of a termite?
A termite’s life span depends on its place in the social order of the colony. Termite life cycles vary widely from species to species, from two years to 50 years.
How deep do termites live?
Subterranean termites live in the ground. If a nest is deep under the ground, it will be unaffected by the cold weather. It is estimated that a typical subterranean termite can be as far as 18-20 feet below the surface.
How Serious Are Subterranean Termites?
As the most common type of termite nationwide, subterranean termites cause billions of dollars in structural damage each year. They also eat books, other paper products, cellulose-based products, and a variety of other plant-based goods.
Some colonies have more than one egg-laying female, so subterranean termite nests can grow quickly and contain hundreds and sometimes thousands of members. Since the pests can often infest homes for years undetected, responding to early warning signs is key to preventing serious damage. The most commonly observed warning signs are the presence of winged swarmed’s, mud tubes and evidence of damaged wood.
What type of customized treatment will I receive?
Based on the layout of your home and the degree of termite infestation, Core Home Inspections will create a customized treatment plan tailored for your home.
How important is the Termite Warranty?
This warranty is one of the most important parts of your termite contract. The warranty spells out the conditions and time limits under which the company will assume responsibility for continued termite activity. In addition to the standard one-year warranty, you should be offered the chance to extend your warranty for one or more years. Extended warranties are a good idea, at least for the first one to two years after treatment, or for at least one year since termite activity was last detected.
Here is how to Prevent Termite Infestations!
- Avoid water pounding near your home’s foundation. Divert water away from your home with properly functioning downspouts, gutters, and splash blocks.
- Reduce humidity in crawl spaces with proper ventilation.
- Never bury wood scraps or waste lumber in the yard.
- Eliminate wood contact with the soil. Maintain a six-inch gap between the soil and wood portions of the property structure.
Schedule a FREE Termite Inspection NOW!
We’ll determine whether you have termites, then discuss a treatment plan that works best for you.